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Government Affairs

Representing Alabama Cattlemen on Capitol Hill

One of the ways the Alabama Cattlemen's Association serves its members and the state's beef cattle industry is by lobbying state government on the behalf of cattle producers. For more information on current or prospective legislation and its effects on Alabama's cattle industry, please contact the ACA office to speak with ACA lobbyist, Erin Beasley. The links below serve to educate the public on the laws of Alabama and the workings of our state government.

The lobbying efforts of the Alabama Cattlemen's Association have always focused on protecting the interests of those involved in the state's $2.5 billion beef cattle industry. Keeping to ACA's mission to protect the business climate for producing beef in Alabama, policy issues of concern to ACA range from taxes to topics of animal health. The ACA engages on a wide range of topics both in Montgomery and Washington, D.C. As a state affiliate of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, ACA is able to leverage national relationships back to the grassroots level while working with Alabama’s congressional delegation.

Click here to learn more about these topics in the ACA Policy Handbook.

Members also drive what policies the ACA adopts. To make a change, please see the policy amendment form and process by clicking here.

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